ATOMIC is a small press anthology of illustrated comic strips. Here at the HOUSE OF ATOMIC we are dedicated to bringing you the best of British and International underground artists in the comics world

In this electronic version of ATOMIC we can give you a taste of what the zine is really like and if you enjoy what you see then why not send of for you FREE copy. All you have to do is pay the postage

If you are interested in finding more about ATOMIC or contributing stuff to the next issue read our MESSAGE FROM THE EDITORS for more information.
Let us know what you think of Atomic. E-mail us now!

Start by clicking here for a view of the main strips and contributors

This will give you a guide and links to some other comic related sites on the web

For details of how to get your FREE copy of Atomic

All contents in this site are copyrightof Atomic Publications and their respective creators 1995. No material may be reproduced except for review purposes.